BOCA RUDETON™: Dog In Spanish River Library? Seriously?


dog in library on spanish river in boca raton
Dog in Boca Raton library on Spanish River, courtesy of a Boca Rudeton™ contributor.

BOCA RATON, FL ( — Your librarian in elementary school likely told you to be quiet and respectful. That a library is a place for calm, distraction-free learning. But it seems librarians in Boca Raton are fine with ladies with dogs.
We thank our Boca Rudeton™ contributor for sending this incredible photo from Boca Raton’s library on Spanish River.
According to our reader:

It seems the Spanish River Library is now pet-friendly. As this lady interacted w the desk worker, her dog wandered on a long leash and wrapping itself around poles, legs, etc.
The library staff told me it was a service dog, but an unmarked animal that pulls at its lead and begs bystande
rs for interaction is maybe the worst trained service animal ever.
I wonder who gets sued when somebody trips and gets hurt…?

Excellent question! Answer; most likely the City of Boca Raton, which would, ironically, reduce funding available for things like the library, police, public works, recreation, and — wait for it — dog parks!
Thank you lady with “service dog” (prove it) on a long leash in the library. You are today’s Boca Rudeton™ winner.  And librarian: you come in second. Why are you enabling this behavior?
We remind our readers that there is no expectation of privacy in a public place. Don’t want to be seen here? Don’t be rude here. Boca Rudeton™ is a trademark of Metro Desk Media, LLC. Want to contribute? Email news (at)

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